Saturday, 3 January 2015

Radio Summerhall

Click here to listen to our interview with Radio Summerhall about our upcoming foodbank fundraiser Away Game. 

Away Game is an evening of poetry reading and short story telling hosted by [Untitled] and The Grind in aid of Edinburgh Foodbank. Tickets cost £5 with all profits being used to buy essential items for Edinburgh Foodbank. Away Game will take place on the 15th of January in the atmospheric Anatomy Room at Summerhall. 

Away Game
15th of January
7pm to 10pm
Anatomy Room, Summerhall
Tickets cost £5

Tickets can be bought below. 

Due to the limited capacity of Summerhall's atmospheric Anatomy Room this is a ticketed event.
Tickets are only £5 with all profits from the sale of tickets donated to a local food bank.
Away Game is our third and final food bank fundraiser and so far we have raise about £400 for food banks. Please help us raise as much as possible by coming along, sharing and tweeting about our event. Thank you. 

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Away Game
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