Monday, 25 February 2013

Voluntary Arts Week 2013 Falkirk

Last year Falkirk played host to the opening of Voluntary Arts Week 2012, an event that invited numerous Falkirk art groups to set up a table to promote what the group has to offer, this event was frequented by hundreds of people coming off Falkirk High Street to participate in the arts. This year...

Grangemouth Arts Festival

Are you a member of a Grangemouth Voluntary Arts group and want to know how you can spread the word of group for free, then get in touch now! On the 11th to 19th of May, Grangemouth's LaPorte Precinct will play host to the town's first ever Voluntary Arts Festival. Showcasing the work of local,...

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


You can now subscribe to the [Untitled] newsletter where you can received monthly information about your local arts groups, funding, opportunities and an opportunity to submit your groups work to the next issue of [Untitled] [Untitled] can now be found in numerous outlets in Falkirk Town Centre...

Project Theatre

Project Theatre is a voluntary performing arts group who work to provide workshops and host productions for and by young people aged 8-18yrs. As an award winning voluntary run theatre company we aim to promote youth involvement in the creative and performing arts across the Falkirk area. We...

Handling Complaints

Information on how to handle a complaint if your group were ever to receive one. thanks again to the running your group section of the voluntary arts scotland website. Running your group can provide your group with a wealth of knowledge on how to make the most of running your artgroup or starting a...

And the winners are......

The winner of the Epic Awards 2013 have been announced.....all information courtesy of voluntary arts scotland website, where more information on how to get the most out of running your group can be found.  A big congratulations to Falkirk's own Forth Bridges Accordion Band walked away with...

Larbert's Wee Art Group

Marjory Sime  Established three years ago, after relocating to Larbert from Stirling, Larbert’s Wee Art Group meet every; Tuesday, Friday, Saturdaying mornings and Thursday evenings, offering classes to new members or to paint within a social environment. Nationally exhibiting frequently through...

Friday, 8 February 2013


You can now subscribe to receive the new [untitled] newsletter. The newsletter provides high quality information on local voluntary arts groups, funding, opportunities and how to submit your artwork to [Untitled]. #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;...

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Download [Untitled]#2 Now

The second and first online installment of Falkirk's only zine dedicated to the voluntary and amateur arts is now available for download. The online content shall differ from the larger printed edition so it is worth while to pick up your free copy in the many outlets that now stock [Untitled]...

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Front Cover?

A first draft for the front cover of the eagerly anticipated spring edition of [Untitled] have been unveiled! What do you think about the potential cover? ...

Friday, 1 February 2013

It's Out

  Great news! [Untitled] can now be found in numerous outlets in Falkirk Town Centre!  Pick up one next time you're in one of Falkirk's bars, cafes and charity shops, [Untitled] can also be found in  Falkirk library and Belle of the Ball. Thank you to these people for agreeing to...