Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Crowd Funding!

A brief on crowd funding for voluntary arts and crafts groups from Voluntary Arts. At its heart, crowdfunding is a really simple concept – showcasing your group’s activities online to attract small donations from a large ‘crowd’ of followers… and offering unique rewards in return for their support. One...

Looking for a venue?

Here is some handy information from Voluntary Arts Finding a suitable venue for your voluntary arts or crafts activity can be a challenge – whether it’s for a one-off show or exhibition, a regular workshop or rehearsal, or a meeting space for your management committee. This briefing provides...

Twitter Presence.

Now that the VAA is on all forms of social networking, here is a briefing from Voluntary Arts on how to make a presence on twitter.  This briefing will explain the principles of using Twitter and the reasons your voluntary arts or crafts group may want to do so. It will concentrate on the...

Voluntary Arts Week 2013

Voluntary Arts Week shines a light on all the wonderful amateur arts and crafts activity taking place across the UK and the Republic of Ireland – and encourages others to join in. It’s an annual celebration of the impact voluntary arts groups have on their communities, and the diverse work they...

Forth Bridges Accordion Band!

FALKIRK'S ONLY ENTRY FOR THIS YEARS EPIC AWARDS!!! Growing up in Northern Ireland, playing the accordion had always been a big part of Alan Potters’ life. But when he moved to Scotland, he discovered there was no outlet for his musical passion. In a move that typifies all that’s great about the...

Social Networking

Great News! The Voluntary Arts Ambassador for Falkirk can now be found all over the internet, check out the networking widget to the right of the blog for links to the VAA's Twitter, LinkedIn, Dribbble, Flickr, Facebook, Youtube, Vimeon, Pinterest, Tumblr, Google+ and Evernote. So log on and add...

Arts Ambassador Falkirk

Voluntary arts and crafts groups in Falkirk can now have their views listened to thanks to a new initiative by Voluntary Arts Scotland. With so many layers of bureaucracy lying between ordinary people and the decision makers, we all need somebody to speak up for us. Now, those participating in...

Monday, 21 January 2013


The deadline for submitting your work for the next issue of [Untitled] is approaching fast, so if you are an artist working within a voluntary or amateur arts group in any media then get your work submitted by the 31st of January 2013. Image of work should be atleast 300dpi and large enough to be printed...

Monday, 14 January 2013


[Untitled] is a new publication by Voluntary Arts Ambassador Falkirk Craig Allan, that celebrates Falkirk's voluntary and amateur arts groups, by showcasing work in all medias from local artists in a free publication. The 'zine aims to bring together local artists, groups and organisations working...

Falkirk Writers' Circle

Falkirk Writers' Circle Information courtesy of http://www.falkirkwriters.org.uk and the original poster. What is the Falkirk Writers' Circle? Falkirk Writers' Circle is an association of writers for the common benefit of all and the encouragement of writing in all its branches. Falkirk...

Running Your Group

Need help with your amateur group? Running Your Group has the answers. Running Your Group is the one-stop shop for instant guidance on all aspects of running a voluntary group. Whether it’s attracting new members, starting a committee or fundraising advice, we’re here to help. Sign...

Sneak Peek.

A sneak peek at what is inside the first issue of [Untitled]. . . Pen portraits for Publication 2012 (2012) Craig Allan On The Wall - Fiona Scott Startled by a vixen’s cry the legionnaire shakes cold dawn into his head, and stares out over the moors. Black scraps of crows circle the...

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Falkirk's writers Umbrella.

Falkirk's writers umbrella are the first local voluntary arts group to be featured in [Untitled] along side examples of work from members of the Black Swan Collective, who previously exhibited new work in the Old Littlewoods gallery space on Falkirk High Street. Check out these images from their well...

New Logo and Facebook page.

Logo designed by Craig Allan. Check out and like Untitled's new facebook page to find out more on what's happening in Falkirk's exciting voluntary arts scene. Issue one out October. Like - http://www.facebook.com/UntitledFalk...

Front Cover Unveiled!

The front cover for the illustrious first edition of [Untitled] has been unveiled. Points for recognizing who it is. Illustration by local artist Craig Allan. ...