Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Voluntary Arts Ambassador Falkirk Closing Down

MESSAGE TO ALL OUR READERSIt is with great sadness that we have to announce that the Voluntary Arts Ambassadors Project comes to end on 31 March, after five years of Big Lottery funding. My role as VAA for Falkirk will unfortunately finish with the project, as Voluntary Arts Scotland will no longer...

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Another great review of Wooer With Words.

Paul Tonner tells us why people should attend [Untitled]'s Wooer With Words. It was with some trepidation that I approached the venue holding the ‘Wooer with Words’ event. What would I find? A room full of modern day beatniks, drinking double-espresso’s, scratching their beards and discussing the...

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Wooer With Words Review

Wooer With Words 8th of March 2014 Review by Barbara Hammond Saturday 8th March 2014 saw the launch of a brand new initiative 'Words on Wooer', a celebration of the spoken word, held in the upstairs lounge of the café 'Coffee on Wooer' situated just behind the steeple on Falkirk High Street.Some twenty...

Monday, 10 March 2014

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Classic Music Live! Falkirk's upcoming events

Lunch time recitalFalkirk born clarinettist, Ryan Penman will perform a lunchtime concert at the Trinity Church (the Faw Kirk) and supported by and promoted by Classic Music Live! Falkirk on the 7th of March 2014. Ryan has gained a reputation within Falkirk's music scene as he has a been a...

Monday, 3 March 2014

Black Out

[Untitled] and Falkirk District Arts and Civic Council present: BLACK OUT.  A candlelit evening of poetry readings, spoken word and dark storytelling all in aid of Earth Hour 2014.  We are still looking for 2 more female writers to read at this event, if you...