Friday, 18 October 2013

Art in the South of Falkirk

Launched in mid 2013 by [Untitled] creator Craig Allan, Falkirk Art Map provides a way of documenting and promoting voluntary/amateur art groups, events, venues and landmarks across the entire Falkirk District, the aim of providing an easy accessible guide to Falkirk's rich cultural landscape. Currently...

Bonnybridge Camera Club

BONNYBRIDGE CAMERA CLUB We were originally formed in 2008 and based in Greenhill Community Flat under the name Vale of Bonny Photography Society our aim then was for like minded enthusiasts to meet up and go for walks and take photos. In 2011 we moved to Bonnybridge Education Centre...

Falkirk Writers Umbrella

The Writers' Umbrella The Writers' Club that comes to you The Writers' Umbrella offer a simple newsletter by post or e-mail six times a year, containing information and articles of interest to writers. Membership costs £5 per annum e-mail, £10 per annum postal.Regular features include: bi-monthly...